Bon Bon - Wedding Agency Joomla Template

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Created: Oct 26, 2018

Updated: Oct 26, 2018

ID: 73958

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This is a very nice Wedding Agency Joomla Theme of a site for any sphere of providing services for business. With this theme, your visitors will easily find the required service and will call you to order it. The given theme of a wedding agency website is made on the basis of Joomla. On the main page, there's a slider and blocks for your services. In the portfolio section, you can arrange a list of already completed projects. Everything is done very simple but same time very functional and practical. Well-thought distribution of information on the resource's pages makes the template very concise and understandable. The interface very clearly shows the visitor of the site at what he should pay attention first. In this theme, everything is harmonious and nice to the eye. And it makes the visitor want to come back again.

This Society & People Services Joomla design theme is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina ready screens present great pixel density that just results in the extraordinary quality of the visible data web presentation on last-generation devices.

Why is it Good?

Your pictures and the whole entire website content can be sharp and beautiful. Colors are vivid, dazzling and it makes your site to look far better on almost any device.

Newest Retina Ready Joomla themes here

This is a Bootstrap Society & People Support Joomla design template

What is it?

Bootstrap is an open-source framework for setting up web sites.

Why is it Good?

Using this kind of framework drastically accelerates the entire process of making pages. Typical patterns are easy to transform, that offers an adaptable and simple procedure for developing web page layouts.

Latest Bootstrap Joomla themes here

This Society & People Joomla design is Responsive

What is it?

This is the ability of the layout to transform based on the width of the screen.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design implies that the website will provide an excellent viewing experience to all users throughout all devices.

Find more Responsive Joomla themes here

1 Reviews for this product

un template buono, non eccessivamente strutturato, ma di sicuro effetto. Interessante la possibilità di variazione di colore. La ricerca è stata arda ma abbiamo individuato in questo tema la soluzione giusta per le nostre esigenze. Si abbina a tematiche come matrimonio e o feste e ricevimenti ma anche per qualsiasi altra eventuale struttura e categoria. Consigliamo quindi questo tema a tutto coloro desiderano un buon risultato.

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